Obituary Record

Mrs. Herman Iverson
Died on 1/1/2999


Mrs. Herman Iverson Suicide

Shot Herself Through the Heart at About 9:30 This Forenoon at Farm Home

The sad news spread quickly abroad this forenoon that Mrs. Herman Iverson, who lives about two miles southwest of Ft. Calhoun, had committed suicide by shooting herself through the heart, death resulting almost immediately.

She had been in ill health for some time and that is believed to be the cause of the deed, though there isn’t much definitely known here today. No particulars have yet been given out as to when the funeral will be held as an Omaha undertaker*

*The obituary was missing the last part.

Note: The obituary did not have any news article dates or death date on it, so in order to enter on line, had to use a fictitious date.