Obituary Record

Minnie (Krambeck) Teitgen
Died on 4/9/1915


Two newspaper articles

# 1 - - Tribune, April 14, 1915

MRS. EMIL TEITGEN: Mrs. Emil Teitgen, one of the best loved wives and mothers known in these sections, was buried in the Ft. Calhoun, Nebr., cemetery, April 12, 1915.

Over 500 people attended the exercises at Shoales, Nebr., Sunday and the same number here in Ft. Calhoun. The body was brought from Sholes Monday morning. Rev. Franzen, Lutheran minister at Randolph, preached at both places. Mrs. Ed Brenner and Mrs. Joe Bolln sang the anthems here with Mrs. Rathgen at the organ.

Among others present were Hans, Henry and Walter Teitgen of Randolph; Henry Lage and Mrs. Teitgen from Holdredge; Henry, Fred and William Krambech and Mrs. Illers of Springfield; Gus Wulff and William Boettger of Douglas county; Mrs. Sophia Peterson and daughters; and Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland of Omaha.

Mr. Sutherland played the guitar and Mrs. Sutherland sang at their wedding six years ago.

Mrs. Teitgen was born in Douglas county September 7, 1886 and spent most of her maiden life on her parents’ farm near Ft. Calhoun where this writer was present at her marriage to Emil Teitgen, February 20, 1909, soon after which she came to Ft. Calhoun where they had purchased a beautiful home and their only child was born, now probably five years old. Her husband clerked for William Sievers about three years before leaving for Sholes to keep a hardware store; we saw them often and knew what fine people they were. Her parents moved here about four or five years ago, her father being an invalid the past two years.

She leaves also three brothers and a sister and a mother-in-law, Grandma Dedleif Tathgen, who loved her as though she were her own daughter.

The pallbearers were all from among their choicest friends: Otto Asmussen, Emil Kay, Gus Suverkrubbe, John Peterson, Louie Lund and Henry Fischer. W.H. WOODS

# 2 - - Blair Democrat, April 15, 1915

Mrs. Emil Teitgen died at her home in Sholes, Nebraska, Friday, April 9th, at the age of 27 years. Her illness extended over a period of seven days and death came as a result of a complication of diseases. Minnie Krambeck was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Krambeck of this city and was born in Florence, Nebraska and grew to womanhood in our immediate community. She was married January 50th (?) 1909, to Emil Teitgen and later removed to Sholes, Nebraska where her husband engaged in the General Merchandise business. Besides her husband and little daughter she leaves her father, mother and one brother to mourn her loss. Her remains were brought to Calhoun Monday morning and services were held in the church Monday afternoon after which interment took place in the Calhoun cemetery. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones.