Obituary Record

John Pardue
Died on 11/30/1903


Blair Courier 2 Dec 1903

Pardue, John

Mr. and Mrs. N. Pardue lost their youngest son, John, aged 3 years, 6 months and 4 days, last Saturday morning from strangulation. After breakfast his little sister gave him the remnants of some popcorn and while eating it one of the hard grains slipped down his wind pipe. He choked and struggled for some time but was unable to get it out, and finally became unconscious from want of air. Dr. Robinson was called by could not dislodge the kernel and about an hour and a half after the accident occurred the heart stopped beating and the little fellow was dead. The funeral was held at the Catholic Church at 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon, Father Brophy officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Pardue lost their oldest son about 8 years ago of diphtheria and have still living three girls and one boy. The case is a very sad one and the entire community extends their sympathy to the sorrowing parents and family.

Pilot 30 Nov 1903

Pardue, Johnnie

Little Johnnie Pardue, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Newt Pardue, died suddenly Saturday morning as the result of getting a kernel of popcorn in its throat. Before it could be removed the child choked to death. It is a sad case and, coming so unexpected, it has left the parents heart-broken. Funeral services were held Sunday.

Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.