Obituary Record

Fred C Peck
Died on 10/15/1969


Enterprise 16 Oct 1969

Fred C. Peck, 85, Died Here Wed.

Fred C. Peck, well known county man, died at Memorial Community Hospital in Blair early Wednesday, October 15th. He was 85 years of age. He was the son of Sheldon Moses Peck, an early-day settler of this area.

Mr. Peck’s death followed the death of his brother, the late Ben Peck, by sixty days, Ben having died August 14th of this year.

Fred Peck had been preceded in death by his wife, Dora, who died April 16th, 1965.

He is survived by his son, William F. Peck of Herman, Miss Nellie M. Peck of Blair and Mrs. Roy Seeley (Lela) of Lakewood, California. There are also four grandchildren.

A sister, Mrs. Blanche Warrick, lives in Blair.

Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at the First Christian Church at 2 o’clock P.M. The Rev. Richard P. Davison will conduct the service. Burial, under the direction of the Bendorf Funeral Home, will be made in the Blair cemetery.

Enterprise 22 Oct 1969 (picture)

Fred C. Peck Services Held Last Saturday

Funeral service for Fred C. Peck were held last Saturday afternoon at the First Christian Church in Blair. Mr. Peck, who was 85 years of age, had been a resident of Washington County all of his life and was one of the pioneers of this area.

He was born in a log cabin on a farm southwest of Blair on March 26, 1864. He grew to manhood in this area and on June 25, 1913 was married to Dora E. Wilkins. During all of his married life, until retirement, he was a farmer and he lived on a single farm north of Blair for 45 years. He retired in December of 1959 to make his home in Blair.

His wife preceded him in death, having died in 1965.

He was an avid reader, an able visitor and a historian of considerable note, especially in regards to the Washington county area.

He was one of the oldest members of the Christian Church at Blair, a long-time and active member of the I.O.O.F. and was the Chaplain of the lodge at the time of his death.

He is survived by a son, Bill Peck, of Herman, a daughter, Nellie Peck and a daughter, Lela, who is Mrs. Leroy Selley, of Lakewood, California. A sister, Mrs. Blanche Warrick, lives in Blair.

The Rev. Richard P. Davison conducted the service and burial, under the direction of the Bendorf Funeral Home was made in the Blair cemetery. The I.O.O.F. conducted grave-side services.