Obituary Record

Lisa Kay, 3 1/2 years old Rhone
Died on 3/19/1983


Date and place of publication of this newspaper article was not recorded.


Funeral services were Tuesday, March 22, at Moser Memorial Chapel for Lisa Kay Rhone, 3 ½ years old, who died March 19, 1983, of cancer at University Hospital in Omaha.

The Rev. Merle Zook of First United Methodist Church officiated. Burial was in Memorial Cemetery at Fremont.

She is survived by her parents, Raymond and Mary Brester; two sisters, Denise and Jeanne Rohone; a step-sister, Mrs. Roger (Diane) Chisolm of Nickerson; a step-brother, Richard Brester of Dodge; her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Brester of Howells; and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wesche of Sacramento, California.

A fund-raising auction was held last Sunday at Platte Township Hall to help pay for her funeral expenses and other bills. About $2,328.50 was raised. Merchants from Fremont, Arlington and Nickerson were commended for their help. Among those helping organize the auction were Mike Timm, Shirley McDonald, Roy Christensen and Michael Taylor.

(Two spellings of the family surname were noted: Rhone and Rohone.)