Obituary Record

Gustave Pegau
Died on 10/1/1912


Pilot 2 Oct 1912

Gustave Pegau

Gustave Pegau, a native of Germany, but a resident of the United States since 1865 died early yesterday at his home, 2420 Templeton street. Mr. Pegau was 78 years old, and his advanced age is given as the cause of his death. Born in Psorcaneim Baden, Germany, February 15, 1834, Mr. Pegau came to the United States in 1865. He went across the plains of Nebraska to Utah in the latter part of that year and returned as far as Washington county. Mr. Pegau homesteaded in Washington county and founded the town of Admah. He was postmaster there until 1890, when he came to Omaha. For a number of years Mr. Pegau was at the head of the U. P. bakery here, retiring from active business about five years ago. Six children survive. They are Mrs. Julia Hahn, with whom Mr. Pegau made his home; Miss Lu Pegau, of Omaha; Gustave Pegau, of Anita, Ia; Charles Pegau, of Des Moines; Edward Pegau, and Roy Pegau, both of Omaha. ---Omaha World Herald