Obituary Record

George Henry Faber
Died on 2/5/1911
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Faber, George Henry 2/5/1911 #1 Printed in the Wednesday, February 8, 1911 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska Word was received here Monday of the sudden death of George Henry Faber, at Hooper, Sunday night. He shoveled his walks off Sunday morning but the effort was too great for him and he virtually strangled to death that night from bronchial trouble.

The body will be brought here tomorrow and the funeral will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall at 2 o’clock. The K. P. Lodge will have charge of the services at the grave.

Mr. Faber lived in this city for many years and served two terms both as County Treasurer and County Clerk. Previous to that, he was in the meat business with his brother, Will.

He had also been a member of the city council and was very popular both as a citizen and official. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah Lodges of this place, but had transferred his membership in the K.P. Lodge to Hooper. He was also a member of the K.O.T.M. and carried $2,000 insurance in that order. He had other old line insurance and owned the brick building in which the Markham confectionery store is now located, so he will leave his widow, who will probably move back to Blair, in fairly comfortable circumstances.

He leaves one brother, Will, in Omaha, and another brother, August, did live in New Orleans the last we knew.

Henry was born in New Orleans and was but 50 years of age.

The entire community extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved widow in her great sorrow.

#2 Printed in the Thursday, February 9, 1911 Democrat , Blair, Nebraska

Word was received in Blair early Monday morning conveying the information that George H. Faber, a former resident of this city, had died very suddenly at his home in Hooper, but no particulars came with the news, and it was not until the next day that the cause of death was learned.

Mr. Faber had been a sufferer for some time with diabetes and a weak heart, but up until a few days previous to his death when he contracted a severe attack of the grip, had enjoyed the best of health. Bronchitis in an acute form developed from the grip and the heart gave way.

Mr. Faber was born in New Orleans in 1860, and came to Nebraska in 1887, finally locating in Blair in 1891, where he opened a meat market which he continued to conduct until he was elected county treasurer on the democratic ticket in 1899. Mr. Faber proved a very popular man with the people and served four years in this office. At the election prior to the ending of his last term as treasurer, he made the race for county clerk and was elected. He served four years as clerk and then went into the real estate business in this city. About two years ago, he became associated with the Rodman Looschen Land Co. and moved to Hooper, when he intended to make his future home. He succeeded beyond his expectations with this firm and last September went into the business on his own responsibility. Mr. Faber was in Blair just two weeks ago selling contracts for Florida land and when he called at this office remarked that he was doing quite well and thought there was no place like Hooper in which to live. At that time Mr. Faber was suffering from a severe cold, although he must have recovered from it to some extent because it is reported that he was out shoveling the snow from his walks last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Faber was a very active member of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellow Lodges and was also a member of the Maccabees, in which order he carried insurance.

The remains will arrive in Blair on the 10:35 train Thursday morning and will be taken to the Odd Fellows’ hall, from which place funeral services will be held. The Odd Fellows will have charge of the services at the hall and the Knights of Pythias will take charge at the cemetery.

Besides a wife, deceased leaves a brother, Will, who was associated with him in the meat market at this place, but who of late years has been working at his trade in Omaha. There are no children.

It is hard to realize that Henry Faber has gone to join that great majority, and the news of his death came as a great shock to his host of friends in this city. He was very popular here and had served several terms as a member of the city council from the Second ward.

The bereaved wife and relatives certainly have the sympathy of all.

#3 Printed in the Saturday, February 11 Democrat, Blair, Nebraska

The funeral of the late Henry Faber was held from the Odd Fellow hall last Thursday afternoon and was very largely attended, the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, of which lodges the deceased was a member, attended in a body. The ladies of the Rebekah lodge prepared dinner in the hall for the relatives and friends of the deceased who accompanied the remains to Blair. We understand that Mrs. Faber expects to make her future home with her mother who lives northwest of Blair.

#4 Printed in the February 8, 1911 Tribune Geo. H. Faber died very suddenly at his home in Hooper, Neb. Monday morning of bronchial troubles. The news came as a great shock to his many friends here, as he was in Blair only a week ago seemingly in good health with the exception of a cold he had contracted after his arrival her. Press reports from Hooper state that Sunday morning he was shoveling the snow off the sidewalks in front of his residence and it is surmised that he contracted a severe cold which settled in his throat. Mr. Faber was an old time resident of Blair, coming here in 1891, where, in company with his brother Will, he conducted a butcher shop up to 1899, when he was elected county treasurer on the democratic ticket. He occupied the treasurer’s office for four years, after which he was elected county clerk, serving two terms. He also served three terms as a member of the Blair city council. Mr. Faber moved to Hooper about two years ago, where he was engaged with the Rodman-Looschen Land company up to two months ago, when he went into the real estate business for himself. Geo. H. Faber was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1860 and settled in Nebraska in 1887. Mr. Faber was married in Blair. He leaves to mourn his sudden demise his wife and one brother, William, who has been engaged in the butcher business in Omaha for a number of years. Mr. Faber was a member of the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and the Maccabee lodges of this city. He carried insurance with the Maccabees and in several old line companies. The funeral will be held Thursday from the I.O.O.F. hall at 2 o’clock, the body arriving from Hooper on the morning train. The services will be conducted jointly by the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. The Tribune extends to the bereaved wife and brother its sincere sympathy in this, their hour of sorrow.

~~~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska library.~~~~

FindaGrave #102549395

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 2/8/1911