Obituary Record

Mary Lorena (Blazier) McCann
Died on 8/28/1910
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

#1-31 Aug., 1910 - The Tribune - Mary (or) May Lorena (Blazier) McCann

Mrs. William J. McCann died at her home in Blair last Sunday, Aug. 28, of Bright’s disease and diabetes. She has been ailing for the past six years and for the past four had been failing more or less and since moving to town about a year ago, she has failed rapidly until the end came last Sunday. May Lorena Blazier was born Nov. 11, 1866 near Verdon, Sangamon county, Ill., and moved to Washington county with her parents in the fall of 1876. She united with the M.E. church at Kennard at the age of sixteen years and had been a follower of the faith since. She was married to William J. McCann June 28, 1893. To this union four children were born, two of whom survive her, Gladys, age 12, and Gertrude, age 6. The funeral was held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the M.E. church at Blair and 12 at Kennard, and interment made in the Kennard cemetery, where her other two children are buried.

#2-31 Aug., 1910 - The Pilot - Mary Lorena (Blazier) McCann

Mrs. Wm. J. McCann died at about 4:30 Sunday afternoon of Bright’s disease, having been ill for about six years. The funeral service was held at the Methodist church at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, Rev. Lang officiating, and, owing to their long residence near Kennard, another service was held at the Methodist church in Kennard. Interment was made in the Kennard cemetery by the side of two children that had died during their residence near that place. Mary Lorena Blazier was born near Verdon, Ill. Nov. 11, 1866, and came to this county with her parents in Feb. 1876, making their home in Kennard. She was married to Mr. Wm. J. McCann June 28, 1893, and of the union four children were born, two of whom, Gertrude, aged 6, and Gladys, aged 2, are now living. On the 22nd day of last December they moved into the W. J. Cook house on Grant street they had purchased some time before, and had made many friends in their short stay among us. Besides her husband, she leaves a mother, Mrs. Eliza Blazier and three sisters, Mrs. A. F. Schafer and Mrs. O. S. Alloway of Kennard and Mrs. D. H. Fair of Omaha, all of whom were here for the funeral. The entire community extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved husband and family.

#3-1 Sept., 1910 - Blair Democrat - Mary Lorena (Blazier) McCann


After suffering for the past six years with diabetes, death came to the relief of Mrs. W. J. McCann at her home in this city last Sunday afternoon. For the past two years the sufferer has been very poorly and since moving from a farm near Kennard last December, she had failed rapidly.

The funeral services were held at the M.E. church in this city at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, after which the remains were taken to Kennard and services held at the Methodist church in that village. The remains were followed to their last resting place in the Kennard cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends and laid away by the side of two little children who had preceded their mother to that Great Beyond.

Mary Lorena Blazier was born near Verdon, Sangamon county, Illinois November 11, 1866, and with her parents, moved to Washington county, Nebraska in February, 1876. At the age of sixteen she joined the M. E. church at Kennard, and was married to W. J. McCann on June 28, 1893. Four children were born to this union, two surviving, Gladys, aged 12, and Gertrude, aged 6.

While the family had not lived in Blair only a few months, yet they had many friends here and the loss in the death of Mrs. McCann will be felt by more than a few who had learned to love and esteem her in her short residence inter midst.

#4-Kennard Enterprise 2 Sept. 1910


Mary Lorena Blazier was born November 11, 1866, near Verdon, Sangamon County, Ill. Moved with her parents to Washington County, Nebraska, in February 1876. United with the M.E. church at the age of 16 years. Married William J. McCann June 28, 1893. Four children were born, two of whom, Gladys, aged 12, and Gertrude, aged 6, still survive. Died Sunday, August 28, 1910.

Mrs. McCann was well and favorably known to this community all her life. She was a member of one of the sturdy pioneer families and was well known to all as a quiet, earnest, devoted woman. Her home life was ideal and the influences of her home exerted a positive influence for good upon any one who happened to be a guest.

A few months ago the family forsook the arduous duties of the farm for the quiet retirement of a beautiful home at Blair.

Brief services were held at the Methodist Episcopal church at Blair and also at Grace Methodist Episcopal church at Kennard. Rev. Mr. Lang of Blair, and Dr. Hiller of Kennard had charge of the services. Interment was made at Kennard cemetery.

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Find A Grave #26419998 Kennard Cemetery