Obituary Record

Charles, Rev. Jabez
Died on 1/25/1911


Published in the Kennard Enterprise 1/27/1911

The Rev. Jabez Charles, for almost forty years a resident of Nebraska and one of the state’s pioneer ministers and citizens, died at his residence at Arlington Tuesday morning, Jan. 25, aged 75 years. He has always been a prominent member of the Methodist clergy, working in various parts of the state and having preached in practically every field in eastern Nebraska. Rev. Mr. Charles was well and favorably known in Kennard, where he served two separate terms as pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. The Rev. Mr. Charles is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Long of Arlington and a son, Harry Charles and a number of grandchildren elsewhere. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock services being held in the Methodist Church.

# 2 - - published in the Pilot January 25, 1911

The Rev. J. Charles, for almost forty years a resident of Nebraska and one of the state’s pioneer ministers and citizens, died at his residence in Arlington Monday morning at about 7:30 o’clock, aged 75 years. He was one of the first ministers of the Methodist denomination and the first one to occupy the old parsonage which has recently been removed and replaced by a new structure. He has always been a prominent member of the Methodist clergy, working in various parts of the state and having preached in practically every field in eastern Nebraska. He served the Kennard church for several years. A little over nine years ago he moved back to Arlington and while not actively engaged in the ministry at all times since then he has made this his home and has been regarded by all as a man whose goodness of heart and clean life have entitled him to the highest rank of citizenship. In his early ministry he endured the hardships of the pioneer and had much to do with the early development of Nebraska. The Rev. Mr. Charles is survived by one daughter, Mrs. William Long, of this place, and one son, Harry Charles and a number of grandchildren elsewhere. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, service being held in the Methodist Church, the Rev. William Esplin officiating.